Become a Super-Human With The Raikov Effect

Dominick Barbato, MBA
Published in
7 min readSep 20, 2021


“Everybody wants to be somebody; nobody wants to grow.” Goethe

You can do, be, and become anything you dream of. Have you ever seen someone in the relentless, unwavering pursuit of a goal? Someone on a mission to get something done without the thought of quitting? These kinds of people never stopped.

“Winners never quit and quitters never win.”

Your dedication, belief, passion, and purpose will take you further than anything in this world can.

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” ― Hermes Trismegistus.

If you don’t believe in yourself or your goals, you won’t take the necessary actions to accomplish your vision. Without a solid foundation of belief systems, optimistic assumptions about yourself, your goals, you will never achieve them.

Goals, like dreams, must first be conceived in mind as a thought or objective. If you set out to accomplish or do pretty much anything, a thought seed must first enter the mind. What kind of thoughts are you feeding yourself about your goals, your life, and your future? Within these thoughts, you will discover your authentic inner dialogue and identity. Most of our lives are lived inside our heads, so we might as well make it a nice place to live.

The following article will open your mind to the world of your subconscious mind and the influence it has on your beliefs and assumptions. Most of the reasons we don’t end up getting what we want in life are because we don’t honestly want those things; we want the emotions that those things might bring us. We also usually dream of a big house and a nice car because it is a way for our mind to distract us from doing what we have to do in the present to get those things. Thus, becoming a subject of the shiny-object syndrome is the endless pursuit of the shiny, fun, fancy things that distract us in life.

Learn or become more present each day. Acutely focus on your presence in each moment. Are you aware that you are aware? You are the observer of thoughts, not the ideas themselves. You are the thinker of things and the master of your destiny. Take 100% responsibility for life. Create, do, and become the vision you envision.

Your life is an interwoven mirror of your beliefs of how things work, the assumptions you have about the world and yourself, and how you interact in each moment.

The Raikov Effect

Dr. Raikov founded the Raikov effect in the 1970s to heal/modify thought processes in patients who were struggling with negativity. It is broken down into five parts, each we will go over in detail in this article.

  1. Power of Imagination
  2. Auto-Suggestion
  3. Belief
  4. Positive Thinking
  5. Modeling/Practice

Power of Imagination

To imagine, to conjure up thoughts is to be alive. To use your imaginative abilities to create change, foster growth, and master your overall well-being is to use the capabilities of your brain that already exist within you. Your mind controls your body; your body does not control your mind. Unfortunately, most of us lose out in life because we don’t see the unlimited potential our minds can produce for us.

To develop your imaginative magic, you must actively use and apply positive thoughts to your life. If you can control your imagination, you can do and become anything you set out to do. For example, visualizing an object or a situation and repeating this mental image can often attract the object or situation. Becoming one with what we imagine opens up a new, vast, and fascinating world we never knew existed.

You may be thinking your thought and imagination are pleasing, or they're not. Either way, they can always be better and improve. It is not just one mental check of the state of our consciousness, but a continuous awareness of this present moment, how we feel, and what we are thinking. If we do not control, the imaginative abilities that we are blessed with in our life can fall into despair rather quickly.

We must feed our positive brain words of affirmation and positive imagery that will plant seeds for those inevitable thoughts to follow in their physical equivalent.


I believe in my uniqueness.
The power of my soul is fathomless.
The whole world is mine.
I will go wherever I want,
have whatever I desire,
and get whatever I need.
I will serve everyone regardless of
religion, caste or creed.

Auto-suggestion is “the hypnotic or subconscious adoption of an idea that one has originated oneself, e.g., through repetition of verbal statements to oneself to change behavior.”

Many people face disappointment due to a lack of understanding of subconscious influence. There are things we can’t see or understand about the depths of our being that are played out and projected every day, to every one of us, in our daily lives. The only way to correct this is by conscious creation of repetitive, verbal statements to get our desired result.

Positive, self-affirming suggestions, hypnotically repeated into the depths of your being, will spring your body and mind into action on those thoughts. The seeds we sow, we reap. Feed your mind suggestions of growth, abundance, gratitude, happiness, wealth, prosperity, and love. A mind is a tool, not a vehicle. So likewise, the body is a vehicle, not a tool. Learn and understand the depths of your being and programming. Sometimes you will be shocked at what you find.


Understanding the slight differences between conquering your imagination, your auto-suggestions, and now your beliefs will have you thinking clearer than before you read this article. Belief, in my opinion, is the foundation of all successful endeavors and positive results. To believe is to have faith, which is having before getting. If there is no foundational success, there is no success. Show me a failure, and I will show you his habits. A loser believes he should fail, and a winner thinks he should win. An unwavering belief in all that you do will give you more courage and willingness to do the demanding, uncomfortable tasks when they come up. I am not saying it will be easy, but if you build up your image as someone who doesn't quit and finishes everything they start, you will become and form that identity.

Believe in yourself.

Believe in the future greatness that awaits you.

Believe in everlasting, bona fide financial freedom due to your never-ending positive belief system.

Believe in yourself and your ability to do the work and actions to accomplish the vision you envision.

Without believing, there is no achieving. Show me a successful man, and I will show you a man with faith.

Positive Thinking

“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.” — Unknown

To think positively is not just some voodoo magic to feel better. Positive thinking is the seed to better life, body, mind, and soul. Positive thinking, also, if applied correctly, will make your life look and feel entirely anew. How you think makes up how you feel. How you feel shows up in your habits and actions. These actions and habits shape our future. To shape our future how we want it to be shaped, we must feed the brain thoughts and seeds of the physical equivalent we wish to live.

“The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.” -Winston Churchill

To think positively first requires us to know how current level of thought processes and programming. Some of us are naturally more positive than others. This exercise will be a benefit for those not familiar with the advantage of purposeful, positive thinking. For those with a little more negativity, it may take a little more time working with your mind to develop a path of consistent, positive thoughts.

An exercise you can do is, for ten days, to monitor every thought you have. For those days, if you have a negative view, you have to start over. The exercise shows you that with consistent commitment, you can be positive for ten days, and hopefully, 20, 30 days, and so on until positivity becomes your natural level of being.

Naturally, your ego will believe you are positive 100% of the time. Don’t fall trap in this. We all have some negative thoughts or even fears at some point in our life. Make sure this is not a continuum.


Now it is time to put all of this together inside of us. We must inherently model and become that which we first envision for ourselves. Then, just like a model, we must direct ourselves to fit each scene naturally in our lives as if it is confirmed in the present moment. Act as if.

This famous saying will spring you further into who you are becoming than anything. Once you act like the person you want to be and become, you inevitably start to become the model of that identity. Unfortunately, for much of our lives, our identity is just a reflection of our surroundings. Whether it be school, work, friends, or family, our environment shows us/tells us what is and isn't possible for us.

We must be strong, independent, accountable beings who take 100% responsibility for carving out the life we envision for ourselves. To model, the life you want may seem like a fantasy at first. But as you apply this to your life, for 30, 60, 90 days, you will see your entire identity change. OUr identity is at the core of how we experience the world. If you are a positive person, most events in your life will be positive. If you are a negative person, you will have a hard time avoiding negavitity. Keep in mind; you are the observer of thoughts and thinkers of things.

You can mold and change your thought processes, life, and perception at any given moment in time. Know who you are. Create a vision for your future. And live as if your future is here. Right now. At this present moment, waiting for you to step into it. Make a choice, and your future will be in your control.



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